maanantai 9. marraskuuta 2009

Random thoughts i had this past week or so...

1. Last night while watching few minutes of 'Mamma Mia!' on the movie channel (yes, i am a sucker for musicals, sometimes...) i noticed Colin Firth's teeth. Is it me or has he done something to his upper front teeth since the early days on British telly..? Somehow he just looked, umm, funny... *shurg* Get back to me if you have noticed this also or if you just think i need to try harder to have a life. Thanks.

2. I want to learn how to cook with sweet potato. I really honestly do. I am a freaking vegetarian of 16 years and i dont know one recipe with sweet potato in it..! Phatetic.
I blame my parents thou - we went shopping last week with my Dad and he failed to regonize a sweet potatoe. Yup, i really do blame them... *head shake*

3. I never thought i was hooked badly on caffeine but last week i got a massive headache one day after i failed to fuel the beast inside me with the regular mug or two of coffee. After trying every remedy in my thick book of "Cures For Headache", i took the advice my auntie had given me to start with and drank half a cup of coffee. Within 15mins the headache was completly gone! Pants. Ah well, i believe i am not the only addict of my kind in the world and we Finns do drink more coffee per person than most, if any... *shrug* So yet again, i am placing the blame else where... ;)

4. I have a stupid habbit of when taking a wrong turn somewhere or walking in the wrong direction , instead of simply just turning around and going where i'm meant to go, i walk on till i can check my phone, pretend i realise i am actually late from somewhere that lies behind me or that there was a messgae on the phone to tell me i need to rush off somewhere else suddenly, so people wont think am just randomly wandering the streets and turning around and back tracking. Its so silly and i feel like an idiot for doing it and the reason for saying this out aloud now, is that maybe i will stop feeling the need to do so once this is out in the open... So there. Feel free to point laugh & judge me. Lol.

5. If you ask Larry King on thursday morning who he had on the show on tuesday will he even remember anymore? I swear he looks like he is barely there most of the time during the interviews.
Also, why do i still end up watching so often?

That is all. I think thoughts very rarely... ;)

torstai 29. lokakuuta 2009

You think you know me...?

Think again...

Did you know that i:

- always make too much coffee in the mornings?
Its like i make coffee for two people in the hope, that somehow there might miraculously suddenly be someone to have it all with... Kinda sad, huh? I waste so much Fair Trade coffee in this manner i think there is a family somewhere living off me. And that's not a bad thing.

-sing loudly along to music in my flat knowing full well, that with the paper thin walls, everybody in the flats around can hear me cristal clear?
This boils down to the simple fact that music gives me the most pleasure in my life. I just dont care when it comes to potential distractions when i'm enjoying my daily fix. And no, i am not a brilliant singer, although i do think i can hold down a tune. (My neighbours & close friends on the know to the truth might disagree, but again, see if i care... *chuckle*)

-am not scared of death, but of not leaving anything behind that would carry my memory to the next generations?
I am unable to create anything since i was born with near zero skills that would able that. There is obviously also the saddest thing in my life, of not being able to leave behind any offsprings i could totally fuck up & make my legacy carriers. What would i be remembered by..? Nada. Like i was never here... *puff of smoke & she's gone*

-find it near impossible to relax enough to sleep when there is someone else sleeping with me in my double bed?
This does not count Reemus the dog, without whom in the same bed, i find it very difficult to sleep soundly. This is what you get for being a single for all your life.

-have won many dance competitions on school discos, on camp, ect. during my life?
And yes, i still think i rock on the dance floor - if i am drunk enough...

-most christmas carrols make me cry these days?
I REALLY dont know why this is. I love christmas.

-openly cry at gigs?
Some of my friends find this disturbing & highly embarassing and refuse to accompany me to gigs. *shrug* Last one..? Kings of Leon at the O2 in London on the 16th of june 2009, during 'Manhattan'. Less about the song and more about the moment.
Why would i try to hide this when its near impossible? The make up is going to run anyways..!

-always buy a size too large jeans without meaning to?
Again, no explanation to this one, but it happens every damn time.

-LOVE books?
Even the way they smell..!

-talk about my favourite bands, authors, actors like i know them really well?
Completly silly and i dont mean to, but i do use just the first names and know way too much about most of them. I use anecdotes about their lives like it was my sister or my close friend that it happened to and it sometimes really confuses people. I know this and try to stop but i cant seem to help it... lol.

-have started a lot of blogs and can never seem to keep them going?
They seem like a brilliant idea at the time but just never really take off... Wonder if this one will be different...?

Thanks for reading.
That is all. For now.
Kitty x